Paul Kerley is a Salem, Oregon-based executive who guides Commercial Property Resources, Inc. Through the Salem, Oregon company, he oversees approximately 1800 residential units, among other properties. Concurrently, Paul Kerley serves as the owner of Steak On The Hoof and has expanded the company by acquiring a large cattle hay ranch on SW Houston Lake Road.
According to, there are over 70 cattle breeds in the United States. Due to their outstanding vigor and genetic prospects, only a fraction of these breeds is utilized for animal husbandry. Regarding beef production, some breeds stand out from the rest in converting pasture into quality lean muscle mass. According to the U.S. Cattlemen's Beef Board, Black Angus and Hereford are two popular beef cattle breeds in the country.
The Black Angus is distinguished from most other breeds by its uniformly black coat color. Over 330,000 black Angus are registered for beef production in the country. Black Angus beef is well-marbled and has a unique flavor. Angus cows are also good mothers, with remarkable feed conversion efficiency.
The Hereford has a reddish-yellow coat color on most of its body, except for its face, which is typically white. This cattle breed has high feed conversion efficiency and is suitable for fattening. Herefords are also good milkers, easy calvers, and docile breeds.